Kamis, 24 November 2011

Episode PBL (Part 1)

I want tell you about my PBL
PBL is abbreviation from Problem Base Learning

PBL FSM (Food Service Management) is started since past a week
We discussed and studied foodservice in many institution
For example, at first week, we must make menu for soccer atlet SEA GAMES and its official
Suited with training, game, and aftergame times
Cause menu for many times I have been told is different
And then, now (second week), we studied about how to make good restaurant with conventional type
We must apply it to 3 dimension design and layout
Waw...I think it challenge for our

If PBL Clinik, we study about whatever in health care service
Like nutrition screening, assessment, counseling, consultation...
We also study about diseases, it patophisiology, and it diet

How about PBL Community?
It made me and us know
About screening, survey and surveillance nutrition to population
Popolation disertai case, like vitamin A defisiency pregnancy , Diabetes Mellitus in older age, and undernutrition child
We made questionaire, studied collecting data, processed and analysed it use SPSS programme

PBL make me more discipline,
More study about knowledge which I don't know before